
The Multifaceted Roles of an Entrepreneur and Top Online Tools to Help You Thrive

As a graphic designer and the proud owner of a one-person design agency, I'm no stranger to the many hats we entrepreneurs wear. From being the imaginative Creative Director to crunching numbers like a seasoned Accountant, our roles are as diverse as our artistic creations. In this blog, I'll share my experiences and offer valuable insights into the various hats we entrepreneurs put on, along with some amazing online tools that have been my trusty sidekicks on this journey.

The Roles of an Entrepreneur:

1. Creative Department: As entrepreneurs, we're the maestros of artistry, orchestrating the perfect blend of aesthetics and purpose. From crafting captivating visuals to defining the artistic direction for our projects, this role allows us to infuse soul into our creations.

2. Operations Department: Keeping the creative wheels turning requires impeccable project management skills. As entrepreneurs, we meticulously plan, set timelines, and ensure every project sails smoothly from inception to completion. Our dedication to effective project management keeps both our clients and us beaming with satisfaction.

3. Financial Department: Crunching numbers might not sound as glamorous as designing, but it's the backbone of our business success. As finance-savvy entrepreneurs, we master the art of budgeting, expense tracking, and invoicing, ensuring our creative ventures remain financially sound.

4. Marketing and Sales Department: Ah, the hustle of promoting our design agency! As entrepreneurs, we're our own brand ambassadors, strategizing marketing campaigns and showcasing our talents to attract new clients. Salesmanship and creativity go hand in hand, and we're pros at both!

5. IT Department: We thrive by staying educated in ever-evolving technologies and honing our problem-solving prowess, enabling us to tackle complex challenges head-on and deliver innovative solutions to empower our clients's digital landscape.

The Power of Online Tools: Harnessing the potential of technology is our secret weapon to thrive as entrepreneurs. Here are some phenomenal online tools that have revolutionized the way I operate my design agency:

1. Design and Creativity:

  • Adobe Creative Suite: A designer's best friend, offering a treasure trove of software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, elevating our creativity to new heights.

  • Squarespace: The platform I choose to build my clients websites in. It is quick, easy and its user friendly, its intuitive user interface allows me to teach my clients how to take control of their website updates on their own (once we’re done ofcoure).

2. Project Management and Communication:

  • Asana: My trusty virtual assistant, helping me stay organized, set priorities, and track project progress effortlessly.

  • Slack: The ultimate communication hub where I connect with clients and collaborators, fostering a seamless exchange of ideas.

3. Finance and Accounting:

  • HelloBonsai: My financial ally, simplifying bookkeeping, generating invoices, and keeping my business finances in pristine order.

  • KeeperTax App: A user-friendly accounting tool that lets me track expenses through out the year and export files for lovely tax season.

4. Marketing and Sales:

  • Later: My social media sidekick, enabling me to schedule posts, analyze engagement, and maintain a vibrant online presence.

  • Canva: Canva is a free-to-use online graphic design tool I use to create templates for my clients social media posts, marketing materials, videos, and more.

Personal Insights and Tips: As fellow entrepreneurs, I know the challenges we face, but fear not! Here are some valuable insights and tips I've gathered from my own journey:

  • Celebrate the multifaceted nature of your roles; it's what sets entrepreneurs apart. With a 360-degree view of each project, including timelines and goals, we can pivot and reallocate resources effortlessly. Focus on excelling in your key roles and seek assistance for the rest. That's why I wholeheartedly embrace my online tools – they empower me to maximize my strengths and conquer any challenge that comes my way!

  • Embrace the power of saying 'no.' If a project isn't the right fit for you, being honest can save both you and the client from unnecessary stress. Remember, future opportunities may align perfectly. Trust your instincts; if you sense red flags with a client, don't hesitate to decline the offer. It's challenging, especially when finances are tight, but ensure your contract is crystal clear, providing an exit option if needed.

  • Living the Entrepreneur life means embracing the ebb and flow of our workload. During those quieter moments, seize the opportunity to nurture your own brand, invest in marketing efforts, and develop valuable educational resources. Refine your processes to streamline efficiency, and don't be afraid to explore new avenues within the diverse landscape of design.

  • Building strong client relationships is the backbone of my business. Since most of my clients come through referrals, I prioritize nurturing these established connections. Regularly checking in with past clients and offering additional support shows them that they are valued partners, and it opens doors for future opportunities.

  • Scheduling out my calendar is an area I'm actively working on improving. It's easy to get immersed in a project and focus solely on its launch, but I've learned the importance of keeping an eye on the bigger picture. By avoiding tunnel vision, I can ensure a smoother workflow and reduce stress. Striving for a well-planned calendar with future projects on the horizon provides me with peace of mind and the assurance of a steady stream of work. It's all about striking the right balance between dedicating my full attention to ongoing projects while also looking ahead to maintain a consistent and thriving design agency.

  • Creating your own schedule is a lifesaver, especially when juggling a busy lifestyle or parenthood with three kids. However, it's crucial to remember that life can be unpredictable, and things may not always go as planned. It's essential to grant yourself some grace during those moments. Embracing the imperfections and being flexible with your schedule allows you to adapt to unexpected situations with ease. Remember, it's okay to take a step back, reassess, and find new ways to navigate through life's twists and turns.

Embracing this mindset empowers you to find a harmonious balance between your responsibilities and personal well-being, leading to a more fulfilling and rewarding journey.



Naturally Nora TBT

It was so much fun being in the nitty gritty of this project, food styling, problem solving & creating a CPG that simply brought a smile to your face! 
